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by Brunn Morais

Reflections proposes a decolonized look at struggles and conflicts that connect us all as products of colonial relations in social spaces through art. The proposal is to look at our own reality and background seeking to understand our stand point reflecting about our position of privilege and/or oppression.The intention is to bring to debate issues related to subalternized subjects and what spaces are offered for those who do not have their voices legitimated by institutional spaces. Opening space for the construction of discourses non-hegemonic and decolonial. This work was born from the desire to share perspectives based on intersectionality, respecting and reflecting from different point of view.

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This exhibition presents installations in diversified proposals applying different

techniques such as video, recycling objects, painting, and sound. From a sensorial experience is presented questions come from the artist`s reflections. In the end you are invited to reflect this questions by yourself.

Home: Who We Are


Brunn Morais (They/Him)


Brunn Morais, is an artist, academic and activist. His academic works connect postcolonial themes and approaches. He is particularly sensitive to Power issues and has been following a collaborative and dialogic approach, thus challenging academic and other
scholarly institutions that tend to subordinate minority groups. Presenting his first solo exhibition, which connects conceptual art, academic theories and social criticism .

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Brazilian, born in Rio de Janeiro. His family came from the interior of Paraíba in Northeastern Brazil and has Roma roots. He studied and worked in Brazil, Portugal and Germany. As a Queer activist he is part of Queeraspora, a queer ref/grant group in Bremen.

Home: What We Do

The exhibition Combines contemporary art and academic concepts in a set of installations that invite to think in Subalternity, marginalisation, intersectionality and Standpoint theory.  

The exhibition is based on the autor's read of "Can the Subaltern speak?" by Indian author, scholar, literary theorist and feminist critique Gayatri Spivak (1985), who proposes a very important reading in the scope of post- colonial studies.

Spivak's contribution is important in the context of studies of marginalized groups, because her work concludes that everyone can speak including individuals in subaltern position. This conclusion does not place the subject subaltern in a position of incapacity, but on the contrary recognizes the agency of subjects epistemologically referred to as unable or without capacities by a vast array of authors such as Pierre Bourdieu or Michael Foucault. 

It is in this scope that Brunn Morais, brings his reflections, giving the audience the possibility to explore ways in which these concepts can be experienced while thinking about our own position in social dynamics. 

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